
Amir Vaxman is a Reader in The Institute of Perception, Action and Behaviour at The University of Edinburgh, UK, where he is leading the Geometry Processing Group. Before that, he was an assistant professor (Universitair docent) in the Department of Information and Computing Sciences at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. He was a postdoctoral fellow in TU Wien (Vienna) at the Geometric Modeling and Industrial Geometry group, where he also received the Lise-Meitner fellowship. He earned his BSc in computer engineering, and his PhD in Computer science from the Technion-IIT. His research interests are geometry processing and discrete differential geometry, focusing on directional-field design, unconventional meshes, constrained shape spaces, architectural geometry, and medical applications.

Photo by Toby Long


1/Mar/2025We have one paper accepted to CVPR 2025.
28/Jun/2024"Fabric Tessellation: Realizing Freeform Surfaces by Smocking" is featured on the SIGGRAPH 2024 Technical Papers Trailer.
15/June/2024Our paper "Fabric Tessellation: Realizing Freeform Surfaces by Smocking" won the Best Paper Award (Honorable Mention) at SIGGRAPH 2024!
24/Mar/2024We have one paper accepted to SIGGRAPH 2024.
5/Aug/2023We have one paper accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2023.
6/Jul/2023Our paper "BPM: Blended Piecewise Möbius Maps" won the Runner-Up Best Paper Award at SGP 2023!
21/Mar/2023We have one paper accepted to CVPR 2023.
16/Sep/2022We have one paper accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2022.


Thomas Walker*, Salvatore Esposito*, Daniel Rebain, Amir Vaxman, Arno Onken, Changjian Li, Oisin Mac Aodha
CrossSDF: 3D Reconstruction of Thin Structures from Cross-Sections
Accepted to IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2025.
[Project website]
Thomas Walker, Octave Mariotti, Amir Vaxman, and Hakan Bilen
Spatially-Adaptive Hash Encodings For Neural Surface Reconstruction
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2025.
Aviv Segall, Jing Ren, Amir Vaxman, and Olga Sorkine-Hornung
Fabric Tessellation: Realizing Freeform Surfaces by Smocking
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 43(4), 2024.
Best Paper award (Honorable Mention)
[Project page][Technical Papers Trailer]
Ioanna Mitropoulou, Amir Vaxman, Olga Diamanti, and Benjamin Dillenburger
Fabrication-Aware Strip-Decomposable Quadrilateral Meshes
Computer-Aided Design, 2023.
[Preprint][Official version]
Thomas Walker, Octave Mariotti, Amir Vaxman, and Hakan Bilen
Explicit Neural Surfaces: Learning Continuous Geometry with Deformation Fields
NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representations, 2023.
Lorenzo Diazzi, Daniele Panozzo, Amir Vaxman, and Marco Attene
Constrained Delaunay Tetrahedrization: A Robust and Practical Approach
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 42(6), 2023.
Shir Rorberg, Amir Vaxman, and Mirela Ben-Chen
BPM: Blended Piecewise Möbius Maps
Best Paper award (2nd place)
Computer Graphics Form (Proc. SGP), 42(5), 2023.
[Preprint][Official version][Code][Implementation by Mark Gillespie]
Haim Sawdayee, Amir Vaxman, and Amit Bermano
OReX: Object Reconstruction from Planar Cross-sections Using Neural Fields
IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
[Project Page]
Iwan Boksebeld and Amir Vaxman
High-Order Directional Fields
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 41(6), 2022.
Floor Verhoeven, Amir Vaxman, Tim Hoffmann, and Olga Sorkine-Hornung
Dev2PQ: Planar Quadrilateral Strip Remeshing of Developable Surfaces
ACM Transactions on Graphics (presented at SIGGRAPH 2022), 41(3), 2022.
Merel Meekes and Amir Vaxman
Unconventional Patterns on Surfaces
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 40(4), 2021.
Kacper Pluta, Michal Edelstein, Amir Vaxman, and Mirela Ben-Chen
PH-CPF: Planar Hexagonal Meshing Using Coordinate Power Fields
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 40(4), 2021.
Christian Müller and Amir Vaxman
Discrete Curvature and Torsion from Cross-Ratios
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata(1923 -): Vol. 200, Iss. 5 (2021) , Page 1935.
[Preprint] [Official version]
Bram Custers and Amir Vaxman
Subdivision Directional Fields
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2020), 39(2), 2020.
[Preprint][Auxiliary material][Errata] [Code]
Andrew Sageman-Furnas, Albert Chern, Mirela Ben-Chen and Amir Vaxman
Chebyshev Nets from Commuting PolyVector Fields
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 38(6) 2019.
[Project page]
Meged Shoham, Amir Vaxman and Mirela Ben-Chen
Hierarchical Functional Maps between Subdivision Surfaces
Best Paper award (2nd place)
Computer Graphics Form (Proc. SGP), 38(5), 2019.
Marc van Kreveld, Frank Staals, Amir Vaxman and Jordi Vermeulen
Approximating the Earth Mover's Distance between a set of points and line segments
35th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG), Utrecht, The Netherlands, March 2019.
Justin Solomon and Amir Vaxman
Optimal Transport-Based Polar Interpolation of Directional Fields
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 38(4) 2019.
Mees van de Kerkhof, Tim de Jong, Raphael Parment, Maarten Löffler, Amir Vaxman, and Marc van Kreveld
Design and Automated Generation of Japanese Picture Puzzles
Computer Graphics Form (Proc. Eurographics), 2019.
Amir Vaxman, Christian Müller, and Ofir Weber
Canonical Möbius Subdivision
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH ASIA), 37(6), 2018.
[Paper] [Video][Code]
Nico Pietroni, Marco Tarini, Amir Vaxman, Daniele Panozzo, and Paolo Cignoni
Position-Based Tensegrity Design
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 36(6), 2017.
[Paper] [Video]
Amir Vaxman, Christian Müller, and Ofir Weber
Regular Meshes from Polygonal Patterns
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 36(4), 2017.
[Paper] [Video][Code]
Justin Solomon, Amir Vaxman, and David Bommes
Boundary Element Octahedral Fields in Volumes
ACM Transactions on Graphics (presented at SIGGRAPH 2017), 36(3), 2017.
Amir Vaxman, Marcel Campen, Olga Diamanti, Daniele Panozzo, David Bommes, Klaus Hildebrandt, and Mirela Ben-Chen
Directional Field Synthesis, Design, and Processing
SIGGRAPH 2017 courses
SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 courses
State-of-the-art Report (STAR), Eurographics 2016
[STAR Version] [Webpage for course] [SGP 2017 Summer School version]
Caigui Jiang*, Chengcheng Tang*, Amir Vaxman, Peter Wonka, and Helmut Pottmann
Polyhedral Patterns
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH ASIA), 34(6), 2015.
[Paper] [Auxiliary material][Video]
* Joint first authors.
Joint last authors.
Amir Vaxman, Christian Müller, and Ofir Weber
Conformal Mesh Deformations with Möbius Transformations
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 34(4), 2015.
[Paper] [Video][Code]
Olga Diamanti, Amir Vaxman, Daniele Panozzo, and Olga Sorkine-Hornung
Integrable PolyVector Fields
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 34(4), 2015.
[Project Page]
Orestis Vardoulis, Pierre Monney, Davide Piccini, Amit Bermano, Amir Vaxman, Craig Gotsman, Janine Schwitter, Matthias Stuber, Nikolaos Stergiopulos, and Juerg Schwitter
Single breath-hold 3D measurement of left atrial volume using compressed sensing CMR and a non-model-based reconstruction approach
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 17(1), 2015.
Helmut Pottmann, Michael Eigensatz, Amir Vaxman, and Johannes Wallner
Architectural Geometry
Computers and Graphics 47, 2015.
Amir Vaxman and Mirela Ben-Chen
Dupin Meshing: A Parameterization Approach to Planar Hex-Dominant Meshing
Technical Report CS-2015-01
Olga Diamanti, Amir Vaxman, Daniele Panozzo, and Olga Sorkine-Hornung
Designing N-PolyVector Fields with Complex Polynomials
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. SGP), 33(5), 2014.
Best Paper award
[Project Page]
Amir Vaxman
A Projective Framework for Polyhedral Mesh Modelling
Computer Graphics Forum 33(8), 2014 (presented at SGP 2015).
Amir Vaxman
Modeling Polyhedral Meshes with Affine Maps
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. SGP) 31(5), 2012
Best Paper award (2nd place)
[Paper][Note - Alternative Implementation] [Video] [Code in libhedra]
Amit Bermano, Amir Vaxman, and Craig Gotsman
Online Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Arbitrary Cross-Sections
ACM Transactions on Graphics 30(5), 2011 (presented at SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011).
[Paper] [Video]
Amir Vaxman, Mirela Ben-Chen and Craig Gotsman
A Multi-Resolution approach to Heat Kernels on Discrete Surfaces
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 29(4), 2010.
Gill Barequet and Amir Vaxman
Reconstruction of Multi-Label Domains from Partial Planar Cross-Sections
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. SGP) 28(5), 2009.
Gill Barequet, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich and Amir Vaxman
Straight Skeletons of Three-Dimensional Polyhedra
Lecture Notes In Computer Science (Proc. ESA), Vol. 5193, 2008.
Gill Barequet and Amir Vaxman
Nonlinear Interpolation Between Slices
International Journal of Shape Modeling (preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of SPM, Beijing, 2006), 14(1), 2008.


Current Students

  • Miaowei Wang, PhD. (Secondary supervisor: Changjian Li)
  • Thomas Walker, PhD (Primary supervisor: Hakan Bilen)

Graduated Students

  • Jordi Vermeulen, PhD, Utrecht University. (graduated 9/Jan/2023, Primary supervisor: Marc van Kreveld, co-supervised: Frank Staals)
  • Tom Broeders, M.Sc. GMT (graduated 12/Jul/2022)
  • Thijs Ratsma, M.Sc. GMT (graduated 8/Jul/2022)
  • Victor Stenvers, M.Sc. GMT (graduated 15/Sep/2021)
  • Iwan Boksebeld, M.Sc. GMT (graduated 5/Aug/2021)
  • Coen Bolander, M.Sc. GMT (graduated 29/Jul/2021)
  • George Lorenzetti, M.Sc. GMT (graduated 11/Jan/2021)
  • Zhaopeng Liu, M.Sc. GMT (graduated 13/Oct/2020)
  • Merel Meekes, M.Sc. GMT (graduated 13/Oct/2020)
  • Rick Sen, M.Sc. GMT (graduated 9/Jan/2020)
  • Constantinos Kyprianou, M.Sc. GMT (graduated 8/Jan/2020).
  • Adrian B. Aguilar, M.Sc. GMT (graduated 21/Aug/2019).
  • Jack van der Drift, M.Sc. GMT (graduated 3/Jul/2019).
  • Sander Vanheste, M.Sc. GMT (graduated 17/Apr/2019).
  • Linus van Elswijk, M.Sc. GMT (graduated 23/Nov/2018).
  • Bram Custers, M.Sc. GMT. (graduated 10/Sep/2018)
  • Marco A. S. Sanson, M.Sc. GMT. (graduated 31/Oct/2017)
  • Tom Percheul, M.Sc. GMT. (graduated 16/Jun/2017)
  • Thomas Breekveldt, M.Sc. GMT. (graduated 21/Apr/2017)
  • Robbin Marcus, M.Sc. GMT. (graduated 31/Mar/2017)



  • Ph.D. in Computer Science (Supervised by Gill Barequet), Technion-IIT, 2011.
  • M.Sc. in Computer Science (Supervised by Gill Barequet), Technion-IIT, 2006.
  • B.Sc. in Computer Engineering, Technion-IIT, 2002.


Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2020General Chair
SIGGRAPH Asia 2022, 2024, 2025Technical Papers Committee member
SIGGRAPH 2019, 2020Technical Papers Committee member
SIGGRAPH 2022–2024COI Coordinator
Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2018Program co-chair (with Tao Ju)
Eurographics 2018Short Papers Track co-chair (with Olga Diamanti)
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)Associate editor
IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics (TVCG)Associate editor
The Visual Computer 2016–2022Associate editor
SIGGRAPH Asia 2016Workshops Committee member
Shape Modeling International (SMI) 2016, 2017, 2020, 2023Technical Papers Program Committee member
Eurographics 2015, 2020, 2023Full Papers International Program Committee member
Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2013–2024 International Programme Committee Member
Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP) 2014–2024 Technical Program Committee member
Pacific Graphics (PG) 2017–2019 International Program Committee member
Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) 2018, 2020, 2023 Papers Committee member
Graphics Interface (GI) 2020 Program Committee member
CAD/GRAPHICS 2017 International Program Committee member
Computer Graphics International (CGI) 2018–2021 Program Committee member
International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC) 2018 Program Committee member
International Conference on Computational Visual Media (CVM) 2019 Program Committee member



Directional: directional Field Synthesis, Design, and Processing.
Winner of the Software Award (Symposium of Geometry Processing 2021)
libhedra: processing and optimization of polygonal unconventional meshes.