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libhedra - Polygonal and Polyhedral Mesh Processing

libhedra is a C++ library for processing polygonal and polyhedral meshes, built as an extension to libigl on the foundations of Eigen. Polygonal meshes are meshes whose faces are not necessarily triangular. Polyhedral meshes are polygonal meshes whose faces are additionally flat. These meshes are extensively in use in architectural and industrial geometry, and are important theoretical objects in discrete differential geometry.


libhedra is a header-only library where each file generally includes one function. To use the library, simply add the include directory to your include path and make sure Directional and its prerequisites are set up properly. After that you can include any files you need normally, using for example #include <libhedra/affine_maps_deform.h>.

To get the library, simply clone the repository using:

git clone --recursive


The current version is 1.0, comprising the following features:

  1. Visualization of polygonal meshes with properties like normals and degrees.
  2. Evaluation of measurements like face planarity, concyclity, and regularity.
  3. Piecewise-affine handle-based deformation.
  4. Complex piecewise-M"obius deformations.
  5. Polygonal subdivision meshes.

libhedra is a header-only library. You do not need to compile anything to use, just include directional headers (e.g. #include <libhedra/affine_maps_deform.h>) and run. Each header file contains a single function (e.g. hedra/dual_mesh.h contains hedra::dual_mesh()).


A Tutorial that walks through the entire functionality of libhedra is available. To compile it, go to the tutorial folder, open a shell and call:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
This should properly set up the tutorial project, with the individual chapters as subprojects, and create project makefiles upon which you can build it using your favourite compiler. For windows, you should use cmake-gui .. and follow the instructions to create a compilable Visual Studio file.

Coding Guidelines and Tips

libhedra inherits and follows the strict coding guidelines of libigl: please take a look here before submitting your pull requests.

How to Contribute

If you are interested in joining development, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.


Directional is primarily MPL2 licensed (FAQ). Some files contain third-party code under other licenses.


If you use libhedra in your academic projects, please cite the implemented papers appropriately. To cite the library in general, you could use this BibTeX entry:

title = {{libhedra}: geometric processing and optimization of polygonal meshes,
author = {Amir Vaxman and others},
note = {},
year = {2017},

If you would like to suggest further topics, would like to collaborate in implementation, complain about bugs or ask questions, please address [Amir Vaxman] ( (or open an issue in the repository)


Directional is led by Amir Vaxman. Please contact me if you have questions or comments. For troubleshooting, please post an issue on github.

If you’re using libirectional in your projects, quickly drop me a note. Tell me who you are and what you’re using it for. This helps justify spending time maintaining this library!

Future Plans

The following functionality is planned for libhedra:

  • Parallel and offset meshes, including evaluation of the Steiner formula for discrete curvature.
  • Constrained optimization using augmented Lagrangians.
  • Conformal Mesh Deformations with Möbius Transformations: integrating the working demo MoebiusCode which already relies on libhedra.
  • Polyhedral patterns parametrization and optimization.
  • Polyhedral patterns
  • Canonical M"{o}bius subdivision If you would like to suggest further topics, would like to collaborate in implementation, complain about bugs or ask questions, please address Amir Vaxman (or open an issue in the repository).

2017 Amir Vaxman and others.

Please see individual files for appropriate copyright notices.