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Building the Website

For developers who want to contribute to the website/documentation of Directional. If you want to preview changes to the Directional website before a commit, you can follow the instructions below.

  1. Install mkdocs and the material theme
    pip3 install -U --user mkdocs mkdocs-material
    Alternatively, use pipenv to install the dependencies:
    pip3 install -U --user pipenv
    pipenv install requests
    pipenv shell
  2. Preview the website locally (in the root folder of the libigl project):
    python3 -m mkdocs serve
  3. Build the website to generate the html locally (optional):
    python3 -m mkdocs build


Dead links can be checked using the LinkChecker tool. Run the website locally, then run LinkChecker on it:



The reason we are using python -m mkdocs serve instead of mkdocs serve directly is because we are using local extensions for mkdocs. Those extensions are located in the scripts/ folder of libigl. Running mkdocs as a module adds the current directory to the PYTHONPATH, allowing us to load those extensions without installing them on the system or in a virtualenv.


  • Use virtualenv to run a specific version of mkdocs/mkdocs-material, to avoid incompatible changes from breaking the build…
